
Kathy J.


Corte Madera, CA

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I am an expert at helping couples, even those who think they cannot be helped!

I enjoy educating couples about the benefits of getting through their marital difficulties. What has more influence on you than the state of your marriage? The research shows that it is pivotal to your mental and physical well-being. I take couples beyond just learning communication skills. They learn which stage of marriage and development they are in, how to create an intimate vital partnership using foolproof skills, how to stop conflict from getting out of hand, how to prevent affairs, and how to let each other be an individual, as well as your partner. Sexual and intimacy difficulties are common in my practice, and I am trained in helping couples sort through these issues. I have had special training in the most common sexual difficulty: differences in levels of sexual desire. I help couples find enduring solutions to this dilemma. I am also an expert in drug and alcohol issues and working with couples where one or both partners have/had a problem. I am a 12-Step supportive therapist.

I make no bones about taking the stance of helping motivated couples really think long and hard before deciding to separate or divorce. There is so much at stake, and the vast majority of couples divorce without really trying to save the marriage, whether they attend counseling briefly or not. I give my clients the information they need to make a sound decision for themselves. It’s always their decision. In their hour of need, I respond swiftly to their most pressing concerns and I don’t give up on them unless they do. Clients often tell me that they really appreciate my forthright style and the ample feedback I offer.

I am passionate about helping couples. I help couples progress by giving them between session homework. I recommend regular dating and having more quality time together. I have done couples therapy for over 27 years so I have studied and practiced many of the methods out there. But, what is most useful, says the research, is an approach that meshes well with the particular client and their expectations. So, I check in a lot with my clients about what they expect from therapy and what they are finding most helpful. In this way, I increase my effectiveness, and my clients are more relaxed about talking about their therapy needs with me. Research shows this increases therapy effectiveness.

I am a heterosexual, married woman of 22 years, a feminist from youth, a spiritual person and someone motivated to grow personally for the rest of my life. I enjoy working with all types of couples and over the years I think I have. If you are wondering about your situation, please feel free to call me to discuss it. I am here to help and would welcome your questions or hearing about your particular situation. And yes, I still very much enjoy working with individuals! My training in couples therapy has only enhanced the individual work I do.


  • Anger management or verbal abuse
  • Betrayal
  • Chronic Pain
  • Commitment
  • Compatibility conflicts
  • Drifting apart
  • Drug or alcohol problems
  • Empty nest syndrome
  • Falling out of love
  • Feeling defeated or unhappy
  • Improving your communication skills
  • Intimacy or sexual issues
  • Jealousy
  • Lack of trust
  • Medical/Disease/Injury affecting your relationship
  • Money conflicts
  • Motivation/Priorities/Roles & Responsibility
  • Physical or emotional affair
  • Pre-marital issues
  • Role of power/controlling behavior
Corte Madera, CA

Clinical Approach

Developmental Model

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  • California
  • Telehealth (virtual)

  • LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    All well-trained relationship specialists seek to offer advice, feedback, observations, and homework to help your relationship evolve.

    This profession usually requires two years of study after obtaining an undergraduate degree. While specific licensure requirements vary by state, most require clinical social workers to obtain 3,000 hours or 2 years of supervised clinical experience, after obtaining a Masters degree. Social workers can also specialize in diverse fields such as human services management, social welfare analysis, community organizing, social and community development, and social and political research.

    As you know, this is not an easy task when you and your partner are struggling to communicate, cooperate, and connect. This is where a highly trained guide is especially valuable.
  • California LCS14376

  • Developmental Model of Couples Therapy
  • Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Advanced
  • Treats Sexuality Concerns
  • Addiction Treatment
  • Certified in Chronic Pain Treatment

  • English


  • Anger management or verbal abuse
  • Betrayal
  • Chronic Pain
  • Commitment
  • Compatibility conflicts
  • Drifting apart
  • Drug or alcohol problems
  • Empty nest syndrome
  • Falling out of love
  • Feeling defeated or unhappy
  • Improving your communication skills
  • Intimacy or sexual issues
  • Jealousy
  • Lack of trust
  • Medical/Disease/Injury affecting your relationship
  • Money conflicts
  • Motivation/Priorities/Roles & Responsibility
  • Physical or emotional affair
  • Pre-marital issues
  • Role of power/controlling behavior

Clinical Approach: Developmental Model


  • LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    All well-trained relationship specialists seek to offer advice, feedback, observations, and homework to help your relationship evolve.

    This profession usually requires two years of study after obtaining an undergraduate degree. While specific licensure requirements vary by state, most require clinical social workers to obtain 3,000 hours or 2 years of supervised clinical experience, after obtaining a Masters degree. Social workers can also specialize in diverse fields such as human services management, social welfare analysis, community organizing, social and community development, and social and political research.

    As you know, this is not an easy task when you and your partner are struggling to communicate, cooperate, and connect. This is where a highly trained guide is especially valuable.
  • California LCS14376


  • Developmental Model of Couples Therapy
  • Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Advanced
  • Treats Sexuality Concerns
  • Addiction Treatment
  • Certified in Chronic Pain Treatment


  • English
  • California
  • Telehealth (virtual)


  • Virtual

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